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The Mexican-Thai Chamber of Commerce (Mexcham Thailand) was established in March 2015 whose members are composed of Mexican and Thai companies including individuals having or are interested in having business relations between both nations. The Chamber was officially established with the support and  recognition of the Mexican embassy in Thailand. Mexcham works closely with the Embassy in its effort to further promote and strengthen the economic relations between both countries


Mexcham’s role is in promoting closer collaboration between Mexican and Thai businessmen and as the only Latin American chamber in Thailand todate, we also seek to further promote increased understanding, business opportunities and cultural exchanges between Latin American nations and ASEAN . The Chamber is also enhancing its networking with the respective governments to promote and develop economic relations in line with its objectives.


Our Objectives…

Mexcham’s main objective is to promote and develop economic relations between Mexico and Thailand. Events and seminars are organized regularly throughout the year aimed at providing advice and information to help its members to have a better understanding and effective operations in Mexican and Thai business environment.


Our Expectations…

Mexcham expects to assume an important and critical role as both governments continue to push for the strengthening of bilateral cooperation, especially with the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). With global development both in the Latin America and ASEAN is helping to set the stage for globalization where we can expect increases in Mexican and Thai business opportunities. The chamber seeks to play an important role to promote further awareness in this area.

At present, trade between Thailand and Mexico is around US$5 billion per annum and Mexcham seeks to encourage both Thai and Mexican companies to increase investment and trade.

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